Worship Service
Sundays 10-11:30 am Join us for our one of a kind worship service. We start at 10am with breakfast. At 10:30 we move into our worship time developed specifically for our unique context. Music, prayer, a message, and communion, followed by a time of “play as worship” where the kids are able to further able to develop their understanding of their faith. We follow worship with a meal and more time for fellowship.
Wednesday Night Discipleship/Leadership Academy
6-7:30pm Come and join us as we learn about what it truly means being a disciple of Jesus Christ and a leader in your home, school, and community. Wednesdays are about empowering the children and youth to live out their faith and to share their unique gifts with the world around them. Wednesdays feature instruction, practical application, crafts, games, and a meal.
Friday Family Fun Night
6-7:30pm Our longest running ministry! Over five years ago we threw open the doors to the children, youth, and the broader community to have a fun and safe place to have fellowship and to develop community. We feature family friendly movies, a meal, games, and crafts. Fridays are a time to just to hang out, have fun, and to make new friends.
The Hangout
Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 3-5pm We’ve created a space uniquely suited to our context. We wanted a place where the kids could come in and have a safe, fun place to hang out, to have access to the pastors, and to have space to simply be kids. The Hangout features video games, computers, and snacks. We offer help for our teens in applying for jobs during these times, as well as homework help. From time to time we will also feature video game tournaments.