It Takes A Kingdom

When attempting an undertaking like “Grace Kids! A Church for Children” you quickly learn that it really is a Kingdom project.  We serve children and youth that coming from various backgrounds, facing numerous challenges.

One of the most liberating and freeing things about this ministry is that we are free of the trappings of a conventional church/church plant.  We aren’t interested in growing a massive church, nor are we interested in anyone else’s members; we are simply interested in the ministry right before us.  Many churches fall victim to the “silo” mentality, but we are blissfully free of this here.  It is vital that we have partner churches and missionaries willing to serve in our context.  This has allowed us to tear down any semblance of a silo; we truly are an ecumenical ministry.  We host all sorts of people from all sorts of churches; who go back to their home churches…usually with awesome stories of what God is doing in South Louisville.  We create space for others to serve and to be the hands and feet of Christ to children and youth desperate and receptive to the presence of Christ.

To these ends, we have stopped using the “volunteer” language; we are looking for missionaries.  To us, while on the surface it may only connote a semantic difference, being a missionary truly is something else.  Missionaries are called to a specific type of ministry or people.  They have a vested interest in insuring that the people are served  and connected to Jesus Christ.

We are looking for folks willing to commit to serving in our context and to love the least of these in our midst.  If you’d like to learn more, please use the form below!

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